Tablet is a magnetic separator equipment in addition to iron
Magnetic Separator is used in the re-use of powdered iron removal mitochondria, etc., magnetic separator is widely used in other workshops recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemical, food, etc.
Tablet is a magnetic separator equipment in addition to iron
Featured magnetite
Featured magnetite
Bulk magnetic
Bulk magnetic
Separator classification
Separator classification
Classified in accordance with wet ore can be divided into: dry iron, wet iron machine
Classified in accordance with the magnetic system can be divided into: Drum Separator, roller magnetic separator machine and roller magnetic separator machine.
Classified according to the number of magnetic system can be divided into: monocular magnetic separator, magnetic separator binoculars and modular multi-tube magnetic separator.Chute Magnet
Separator is a powerful magnetic field to produce attractive mechanical equipment, it will be mixed in a non-magnetic material in the ferromagnetic substance clear, widely used in metallurgy, mining, coal preparation, power plants, ceramics, building materials, food and feed processing industry in the emerging waste industry, waste recycling separator also need iron materials (such as iron, iron, etc.).Strong magnet,
Overall separator has two functions: the election of iron and iron, iron selection such as: hematite, limonite, magnetite, manganese ore, ilmenite, siderite and other magnetic metal ore, iron such as: lime addition to iron, cement, etc. in addition to iron.
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