Although these two theories help scientists understand how magnets behave in almost every circumstance, two important aspects of magnetism remain unexplained: why magnets always have a north and south pole , and why particles emit magnetic fields in the first place."We just observe that when you make a charged particle move, it creates a magnetic liquid traps and two poles. We don't really know why. It's just a feature of the universe, and the mathematical explanations are just attempts of getting through the 'homework assignment' of nature and getting the answers," Walker said
Magnetic Separator is used in the re-use of powdered iron removal mitochondria, etc., magnetic separator is widely used in other workshops recycling, timber, mining, ceramics, chemical, food, etc.
virtual particles
Every electron generates a magnetic separator, but they only generate a net magnetic field when they all line up. Otherwise, the electrons in the human body would cause everyone to stick to the refrigerator whenever they walked by, Walker said.Currently, physics has two explanations for why magnetic fields align in the same direction: a large-scale theory from classical physics, and a small-scale theory called quantum mechanics.According to the classical theory, magnetic fields are clouds of energy around grid magnets particles that pull in or push away other magnetic objects.
The direction of a magnetic
The direction of a Magnets line of force at any point gives the direction of the magnetic force on a north pole placed at that point. Since the direction of magnetic line of force is the direction of force on a North Pole, so the magnetic lines of force always begin on the N-pole of a magnet bars and end on the S-pole of the magnet. A small magnetic compass when moved along a line of force always sets itself along the line tangential to it. So, a line drawn from the South Pole of the compass to its North Pole indicates the direction of the magnetic field.
Features Magnetic Separator
The magnetic particles in a coolant magnetic separators, except by the magnetic force, but also by the role of competitiveness. Competitiveness can be defined as the direction opposite to the magnetic force of all mechanical forces, including gravity, centrifugal force, inertia force and the hydrodynamic resistance and the like. In the magnetic separation process, the magnetic force of the magnetic particles is a collector, the collector also known as magnetic force; competitiveness of the magnetic particles from the magnetic force, is also known from the force. Obviously, a necessary condition for the magnetic particles and non-magnetic particle separation is greater than the magnetic liquid traps of the magnetic particles suffered competitiveness.
Separator basic introduction
ceramic magnetic separator is one of the most extensive, highly versatile models in the industry for having a separation of the magnetic material difference. Magnetic Separator is widely used in mining, timber, ceramics, chemical, food and other industries. For mining, the magnetic separator machine for size 50mm or less manganese ore, magnetite, pyrrhotite, roasted ore, ilmenite, hematite limonite and other materials wet or dry iron ore magnetic separation, but also for coal , non-metallic minerals, building materials and other materials in addition to iron work
The basic contents of the bar magnet
The main magnet is used to filter all kinds of fine powder and liquid, iron ore magnetic separation and other substances with a magnetic band, now widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields.
The magnet core and internal and external cladding composition, comprising a cylindrical magnet core and the magnet blocks and guide slices. Should do a good magnet spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density points are distributed as much as possible the entire root filled magnet, because the general is on the movement of goods and transmission lines, magnetic grate should be smooth and low resistance, free of environmentally harmful substances, avoid contaminated material and the environment
The magnet core and internal and external cladding composition, comprising a cylindrical magnet core and the magnet blocks and guide slices. Should do a good magnet spatial distribution of magnetic flux lines, the maximum magnetic flux density points are distributed as much as possible the entire root filled magnet, because the general is on the movement of goods and transmission lines, magnetic grate should be smooth and low resistance, free of environmentally harmful substances, avoid contaminated material and the environment
The main raw material used in the iron over the pin
The main raw material used in the iron over the pin; filter various fine powder and liquid, iron ore magnetic separation impurities and other substances with a magnetic band, now widely used in chemical, food, waste recycling, carbon black and other fields. The actual surface magnetic field up to about 6,000 to 11,000 gauss, but also by the specific requirements of customers build. Due to the use of ultra-high coercivity magnetic grates, sealed with silicone or welding and the use of special scientific craft making.
The usefulness of magnetic rods
Magnetic rods in contact with the fluid process using internal magnetic energy will be part of an irreversible loss, loss exceeds the initial intensity of 30% or surface coating of iron, stainless steel pipe rupture when worn, then the need to replace the magnet bars, and not allow leakage magnet magnetic rods continue to work, magnets are generally more brittle surfaces coated with some oil, the environmental pollution is relatively large. magnetic filter bar domestic producers generally magnetic wand to work under heavy load 1 - 2 years, seven under light load - 8 years. Mainly used in plastics, food, environmental protection, filtration, chemicals, power, building materials, pottery, medicine, powder, mining, coal and other industries
Magnetic wand Features
magnetic rods work environment determines that it must have a certain degree of corrosion resistance, high temperature properties, and some situations require a relatively strong magnetization. By using different thicknesses of magnetic sheets can be different magnetic flux density. Select a different magnet bars can determine the maximum magnetic flux density and temperature resistance, usually in order to achieve on a conventional ∮25 10,000 gauss magnetic wand over the surface of the magnetic flux density requires a high-performance model of NdFeB magnets. High temperature magnetic rods in temperatures over 150 degrees or more general choice of SmCo magnet.
Wear-resistant ceramic patch use
An essential part of the wear-resistant ceramic chip instead of the magnetic separator, only the customers need for magnetic separator drum surface abrasion treatment, extended magnetic drum (outer protective seal cylinder) case of the use of time will be a patch ; during roughing, the case of mineral particles of magnetic separator is likely to cause more appropriate to wear the patch installed; tank inside another wet drum separator can also be installed abrasion resistant ceramic chip.
Cross-belt magnetic separator features
recycling cross belt magnetic separator features is the magnetic system for the electromagnetic system and a large wrap angle magnetic system for 270 °. In order to improve the thermal and moisture by preventing the coil, the inner cylinder is filled with transformer oil; drum speed is slower, 5 revolutions per minute, the belt around the cylinder to slow motion, magnetic products are discharged by a belt excellent dehydration (magnetic product concentration up to 65% -70%), cross belt magnetic separator for heavy media recovery and reuse is very important.
Advantages cross belt magnetic separator
recycling cross belt magnetic separator is transportation, screening, mineral processing equipment integrated, cross belt magnetic separator with high dressing efficiency advantage. Belt magnetic separator machine suction side installation, pick up chunks of iron pieces selected rate. The unique design of the stainless steel liner as a protective layer, compared with the traditional belt separator can more effectively reduce their sharp ferromagnetic material damage, extend the life of the device for reliable operation, little maintenance, greatly reducing operating costs .
Structure Magnetic Separator
magnetic separator is mainly composed of a cylinder, magnetic system, tank, transmission parts in four parts. Cylinders made of stainless steel plate 2-3mm welded into a tube, cover the cast aluminum parts, connected by stainless steel screws and cylinder motor by deceleration machine, driven cylindrical rotary movement. magnetic system for the open magnetic system, mounted in the cylinder. magnetic blocks with stainless steel bolts mounted on the yoke plate, extending cylinder axis of the yoke, the shaft is fixed Abduction arm pulling the crank arm can adjust the angle of the magnetic system, the lever can be adjusted suitable fixed working area with other parts of the tank stainless steel plate, frame and tank with ordinary steel welding.
According to different structure type tank, dry magnetic separators is divided into downstream, counter-style, semi-countercurrent three.
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